Page 2 – Filing a Provisional Application

6. The Web-Based ADS is a long form since it is also used with non-provisional application filings; for  provisional applications most of the form can be ignored. Specifically, for a provisional application filing, you’ll need to complete only the following sections: (i) inventor information, (ii) Mailing Address of Inventor, (iii) Correspondence Address, (iv)  Invention Information, and (v) Signature section, as shown below. You should ignore all other fields of the Web-Based ADS form.


step 2- how to file a provisional patent 


7. After completing the inventor information, provide the inventor’s mailing address and then select the option to provide a correspondence address.


step 3- how to file a provisional patent


8. Now scroll down until you find the section titled Invention Information. Here you’ll provide the title, number of drawing sheets, and whether small entity is claimed (more on this further).


step 4- how to file a provisional patent


Large/ Small/Micro Entity? Read this post to Learn about entity status.


For micro-entity status, you’ll need to complete and upload a separate form SB/15A (if qualification is based on income) or SB/15B (if qualification is based on institution of higher education). Individuals should only consider completing SB/15A, if they qualify based on income. Qualification details are provided in each respective form.  If claiming micro-entity seems too complicated (which it can be), you can simply ignore the micro-entity status, claim small-entity.




Please check out the current fee schedule here to determine the fee you’ll need to submit with your application.


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