How to Patent an Idea?

So you have a brilliant idea and you want to make sure no one else steals it from you? Of course you would like to receive a patent!

A patent is a legal document that gives you exclusive rights to your invention for a limited period of time. This means that nobody else can create, use, sell or license your invention without your permission. But obtaining a patent is not easy. It can be complicated, expensive and time consuming. And in some cases, it might not even be worth it.  In this blog post, I tell you what is needed about patenting an idea. I will explain what a patent is, why you need one, the disadvantages of getting a patent, and how to get one in five easy steps.

What is a patent?

A patent is like a document that says “This is my invention and no one else can copy it.” It is issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), which is the government agency that handles patents.

There are three types of patents: A utility model covers the method and scope of the invention. This is the most common type of patent and is used for things like machines, processes or chemicals.

A design patent covers the appearance and form of your invention. It is used for things like furniture, jewelry, or clothing.

A plant patent covers a new type of plant, but unless you have genetically engineered or bred a new plant, we not need delve into that further. 🙂

What rights does a patent give me?

A patent does not give you the right to do anything with your invention. It just gives you the right to stop others from doing anything with it.

Why do I need a patent?

A patent can offer you  several advantages, including:

  • Protection of your invention from imitation by competitors. It can give you an edge in the market and help you stand out from the crowd.
  • Build your reputation and credibility as an innovator and leader in your industry. This can attract more customers, partners or investors who value your intellectual property.
  • Increase your potential income by licensing or selling your patent rights to others. It can create a passive income stream for you or help your business grow.


However, the patent also has some disadvantages, such as:

  • It is expensive and time-consuming to obtain.The average cost of patenting an idea is about $20,000, and it can take several years for the USPTO to review and grant a patent.
  • Limited scope and limited duration. A patent protects your invention only in the United States and for up to 20 years (for tool and equipment patents) or 15 years (for design patents) from the filing date.
  • Be the subject of disputes and disputes.Your patent may be challenged or infringed by others who claim that your invention is not new, obvious, or useful, or that they have prior rights to it.


How do you patent an idea?

To patent an idea, you need to follow these five steps:

  1. Keep a record of how you came up with the idea and how you developed it. This can help you prove that you are the original inventor and that you have made your idea into a reality. Research your idea to make sure it is eligible for patenting under the law.
  2. Your idea must be novel, non-obvious, useful, and fall within one of four categories of patentable material: process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter. Make the prototype of your invention a reality by filing a patent application. A prototype can help you test and refine your idea and show how it works and looks. It can also be helpful in creating detailed drawings and descriptions for a patent application.
  3. Prepare a patent application and find out about costs, the nature of the patent and any provisional patent. You can also request me to provide you a quote. A patent application consists of several parts such as title, abstract, background, abstract, drawings, claims, oath or declaration and fees. You must decide whether to file a patent for an instrument, design, or plant and whether to file a provisional or provisional application. A provisional application is an easier and less expensive way to obtain the filing date of an invention without having to fulfill all the requirements of a non-provisional application. However, grants no patent rights and expires after 12 months unless you file a preliminary application within that period.
  4. File a patent application with the USPTO. A patent application can be filed online using the USPTO’s electronic filing system “EFS” or by post. After submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation number and confirmation of your application. Your application is then assigned to a patent examiner who examines it and decides whether it meets the patentability criteria.



Patenting an idea can be a great way to protect innovation and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. But it can also be a problem and a risk. Therefore, before you decide to patent your idea, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons and consult an experienced patent attorney who will guide you through the process and advise you on the best strategy in your situation.