Rohit Chhabra has more than a decade of experience in IP law. With Bachelor's and Master's degrees in computer science, Rohit is your go-to expert for software-based inventions. He has excelled in various domains, including mobile apps, blockchain, cryptocurrency, AI/ML, business method patents, and more.

Since 2012, Rohit has been practicing software patent law at the USPTO. He focuses on a diverse spectrum of technologies, including mobile apps, augmented and virtual reality, ad-tech, fin-tech, blockchain, cryptocurrency, AI, ML, kernel level security, and network security.

Navigating Software Patent Challenges

In the wake of landmark decisions like Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank, Rohit has successfully appealed and defended software-based patent applications before the USPTO. His track record speaks volumes about his ability to tackle challenges effectively. We encourage you to review our blog post on how to patent software.

Bay Area Focused Services

Based in the Bay Area, software patent attorney Rohit is dedicated to serving clients in this vibrant tech hub. His transparent and fair pricing structure ensures you get value for your investment in obtaining a software patent.

A Software Patent Attorney to Protect Your Invention

If you have a software invention that deserves protection, don't hesitate to contact us. Benefit from our transparent pricing, flexible payment options, and our domain-specific experience across various software domains.

Your innovative ideas deserve the expertise of a seasoned software patent lawyer. Contact Rohit Chhabra today and turn your invention into a valuable asset.

Reasonable Fees Structure

Obtaining a software patent is a complex process involving significant time, effort, and resources. Therefore, you need a an attorney who charges reasonable fees for their services. Avoid overpaying for a patent that may not be worth it, or underpaying for a patent that may not be valid or enforceable.

We offer:

  • A transparent and fair pricing structure that reflects the value and complexity of your invention
  • Flexible payment options, such as flat fees, hourly rates, or contingency fees, depending on your preferences and circumstances
  • An estimate of the total cost of obtaining a patent, including attorney fees, USPTO fees, and any other expenses

If you have a software invention that you want to protect with a patent, don’t hesitate to contact Rohit at Chhabra Law Firm. He will be happy to assist you with your patent needs and help you turn your invention into a valuable asset.

Contact Us Today!

Learn more about software patents from the USPTO.