714.14 Amendments After Allowance of All Claims [R-10.2019]

Under the decision in Ex parteQuayle, 25 USPQ 74, 1935 C.D. 11; 453 OG 213 (Comm’r Pat. 1935), after all claims in an application have been allowed the prosecution of the application on the merits is closed even though there may be outstanding formal objections which preclude fully closing the prosecution.

Amendments touching the merits are treated in a manner similar to amendments after final rejection, though the prosecution may be continued as to the formal matters. See MPEP § 714.12 and § 714.13.

See MPEP § 714.20 for amendments entered in part.

See MPEP § 607 for additional fee requirements.

See MPEP § 714 for non-compliant amendments.

Use form paragraph 7.51 to issue an Ex parteQuayle action.

¶ 7.51 Quayle Action

This application is in condition for allowance except for the following formal matters: [1].

Prosecution on the merits is closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quayle, 25 USPQ 74, 453 OG 213 (Comm’r Pat. 1935).

A shortened statutory period for reply to this action is set to expire TWO (2) MONTHS from the mailing date of this letter. Extensions of time may be granted under 37 CFR 1.136 but in no case can any extension carry the date for reply to this Office action beyond the maximum period of SIX MONTHS set by statute (35 U.S.C. 133).

Examiner Note:

Explain the formal matters which must be corrected in bracket 1.