Bias in AI & Proposed Solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various sectors, from healthcare and finance to education and entertainment. However, the rapid advancement and complexity of AI have also introduced a range of challenges, one of which is bias. In this blog post, we will consider some real-world instances of bias in AI and discuss proposed solutions to these issues, with a special focus on AI-related bias.

a book sitting on top of a table next to a cup of tea
Photo by Elaine Howlin on Unsplash

Facial Recognition Technology and AI Bias

Facial recognition systems have been found to make mistakes when used on individuals with darker skin or women. Due to these issues, San Francisco lawmakers voted in 2019 to ban the use of facial recognition. This highlights the challenges of racial and gender bias in AI technologies, particularly those used in security and surveillance.

AI Bias in Healthcare

The underrepresentation of data from women or minority groups can lead to bias in predictive AI algorithms used in healthcare. This underscores the importance of diversity and representation in the data used to train AI systems, particularly in sensitive sectors like healthcare where the stakes are high.

AI Bias in Security Data

If training data includes information collected in predominantly black geographic areas, it could lead to racial bias in AI tools used by law enforcement. This instance highlights the potential for bias in AI systems used in law enforcement and the importance of careful data collection and usage practices.

Proposed Solutions

A solution to these problems would be to use diverse and representative datasets for training. For example, in case of facial recognition related technologies,  data can be collected  from a wide range of ethnicities, genders, and ages to ensure the system can accurately recognize all types of faces.  These checks could involve running the system on a test dataset that is separate from the training data to evaluate its accuracy and fairness, thereby addressing AI-related bias.

Similarly, healthcare datasets could involve conducting health surveys or studies in various communities and ensuring that the data collected is representative of the population as a whole.

Finally, law enforcement agencies could collect data from a variety of neighborhoods and ensuring that it is not disproportionately focused on any one area.

Additionally, implementing regular audits and bias checks can help monitor the system’s performance over time.


In conclusion, while AI holds immense potential, it also presents challenges such as bias that need to be carefully navigated. As we continue to incorporate AI into our everyday lives, it’s crucial that we tackle these issues to ensure that AI is used in a fair and accurate manner. Proposed solutions like diverse training datasets, community collaboration, and regular audits can help us address bias in AI and harness its full potential.